by Rosario de Zayas | May 4, 2021 | Adaptation
When explaining the differences between a language and a dialect, many doubts and differing opinions arise. This range of opinions stems mainly from historical and political aspects, and not so much from the linguistic aspect, which is what we shall focus on in this...
by Rosario de Zayas | Mar 3, 2021 | Adaptation
With a population of 48.79 million inhabitants, different languages are spoken in Spain, both official and dialectal languages, and foreign languages (the latter predominantly among the immigrant population). Official languages of SpainSpanish or...
by Rosario de Zayas | May 19, 2020 | Adaptation
¿Hay algo más frustrante e imprevisible que verse obligada a dejar de lado todos los conocimientos que se adquieren durante un periodo de prácticas y tener que dejar tanto la oficina como el país en el que se desarrollan las prácticas como consecuencia de una crisis...