The Role of Colours in Product Internationalization

If you’re planning on making the leap abroad and selling your company to a foreign audience but think there are a lot of grey areas, don’t be so full of gloom and doom. What you need is internationalization. In this post, you’ll find out about one of the most...

The Importance of Cultural Knowledge in Business Interpreting

In today’s post, we’re going to reveal just how important it is for interpreters to have a good understanding of the culture of the parties in a cross-cultural business relationship. Interpreters are essential figures. Their knowledge about the countries the...

Tatutrad at SELM 2018: Day 2

Today’s post is all about the second day at the 8th edition of the SELM Conference. If you missed this event which was packed with presentations, giveaways, meetings and debates, keep reading! You can also check out our previous post Tatutrad at SELM 2018: Day...

Tatutrad at SELM 2018: Day 1

Just as we have been doing for several years now, the team at Tatutrad attended the 8th Conference of the Spanish Modern Languages Society (SELM), held in November 2018 in Seville, Spain. These annual conferences, organised by SELM, are an opportunity to share the...

Sign Language Interpreters: A Key Figure at Events

Like other language service providers, Tatutrad offers the typical translation and interpretation services. But did you know that we also provide services of a different nature, such as sign language interpretation? And that makes us the best option for your business....