Differences Between Translation and Interpretation

Many people use the terms translation and interpretation interchangeably, particularly when talking about “simultaneous translation”, when, in reality, the correct term would be “simultaneous interpretation”. But are there really that many differences between...

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Curtains Up! Translation and Theatre

On the back of World Theatre Day on 27 March, we want to tell you a bit about the link between this art form and our specific art, translation.  Of the many branches of translation, theatre translation is one of the least known and most overlooked, and is often...

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Awkward Interpretation Situations in Sport

Is there any sector that is more international than the world of sport? World cups, the signing of athletes from other countries, European competitions, negotiations… How many times have you seen elite athletes in front of the mic attempting to unsuccessfully express...

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Machine Translation or Professional Translation?

Anyone who has used Google Translate (who hasn't!) will know that, although it’s a tool that can come in handy when figuring out the meaning of a text, it also offers results of a more questionable quality. You’ve probably realised that the translations are often...

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Audiovisual Translation: The World of Subtitles

Who doesn't like the cinema or a good series? Together with music, the seventh art is one of the most widely extended artistic expressions in our culture. We consume series at rates that would have been unthinkable years ago and we go nuts for film festivals. Waiting...

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Arabic Language: Characteristics and Origin

The Arabic language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It has its origins in the Arabian Peninsula and is currently the official language in over 20 countries. With over 300 million speakers worldwide, Arabic is considered one of the oldest...

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