As well as being the language of the tsars and famous artists such as Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Pasternak and Prokofiev, Russian is the native language of the inhabitants of the Russian Federal Republic and one of the six official languages of the UN along with Arabic,...
Las maravillas de la lengua
Medical Interpretation in Hospitals
In today's blog post we’re going to touch on an important figure in hospitals who doesn't always receive the praise they deserve. Sure enough, we’re talking about medical interpreters! We want to tell you about their different roles and some of the problems they...
Looking to the Future: Artificial Intelligence and Post-Editing
We are often asked how web pages dedicated to translating documents for free affect us as professional translators. It’s true that many people use free online translation to save themselves the cost of hiring a professional translator, but… is it really worth it? Did...
Literary Translation
Perhaps one of the most well-known fields of translation is literary translation, but do you know what we mean when we refer to this branch of professional translation? Literary translation falls under the umbrella of editorial translation, which encompasses the...
Interpretation in Police Stations
Let's take an example: a tourist is enjoying her holidays in a foreign country. She’s sunbathing next to the pool and gets up to go and order a refreshing cocktail at the bar. When she gets back, she realises that her things have gone, and she turns around to see a...
Interpretation in Business Meetings
Have you ever stopped to think just how useful a professional interpreter can be in the world of business? Thanks to globalization, doing business internationally is becoming easier, but there are times when you won’t get by with knowing little English. For...
International Content Marketing: The Key to Success
Today, in such a globalized world immersed in the digital era where everything is connected, many companies have been faced with the need to expand their horizons. In an earlier post we spoke about the importance of professionally translating a website, but this is...
E-Commerce and Translation: Two Allies to Sell Anywhere in the World
Let's do a small exercise. Think of five companies that sell products. Got them? Now think how many of them use the internet as a sales channel. Four out of five? All of them? If you’re part of an e-commerce company, keep reading this post to find out how the...
Do You Need to Translate Scientific Content? Find the Answer to Your Problem Here
As we know, science encompasses many different fields: physics, chemistry, maths, biology, medicine, pharmaceutics… each with its own specific characteristics. Although we’ve already talked about medical translation in another post, here we're going to look at...
Differences Between Translation and Interpretation
Many people use the terms translation and interpretation interchangeably, particularly when talking about “simultaneous translation”, when, in reality, the correct term would be “simultaneous interpretation”. But are there really that many differences between...
Differences Between Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chines
With around 1.3 billion native speakers, Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. Did you know that one quarter of the world's population speaks Chinese? That’s why this language is important for any company seeking an international presence. Chinese is...
Curtains Up! Translation and Theatre
On the back of World Theatre Day on 27 March, we want to tell you a bit about the link between this art form and our specific art, translation. Of the many branches of translation, theatre translation is one of the least known and most overlooked, and is often...
Awkward Interpretation Situations in Sport
Is there any sector that is more international than the world of sport? World cups, the signing of athletes from other countries, European competitions, negotiations… How many times have you seen elite athletes in front of the mic attempting to unsuccessfully express...
Machine Translation or Professional Translation?
Anyone who has used Google Translate (who hasn't!) will know that, although it’s a tool that can come in handy when figuring out the meaning of a text, it also offers results of a more questionable quality. You’ve probably realised that the translations are often...
Audiovisual Translation: The World of Subtitles
Who doesn't like the cinema or a good series? Together with music, the seventh art is one of the most widely extended artistic expressions in our culture. We consume series at rates that would have been unthinkable years ago and we go nuts for film festivals. Waiting...
Accessibility in Audiovisual Content: Subtitling for the Deaf
Although we’ve already spoken about subtitling and audiovisual translation in previous posts, here we’re going to concentrate on audiovisual accessibility and subtitling for deaf people, and why it’s important to turn to professionals, like our team here at Tatutrad....
Five Lessons Learned About Translation at Elia’s Networking Days
In October 2018, Elia, the European Language Industry Association, hosted the 22nd edition of its Networking Days in Vienna. Directors, CEOs, PMs and other language industry professionals from Europe and other continents came together to share their views on running...
4 Common Misconceptions in Certified Translation
In previous posts, we’ve told you all there is to know about certified (or sworn) translation, its legal requirements and uses. There is, however, an ever-increasing lack of awareness about the process, agents and resources involved in this type of translation. In...
Origen del idioma inglés
¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo el inglés ha llegado a acumular más de 750 000 palabras y ha conseguido convertirse en uno de los idiomas más hablados del mundo? Breve historia del idioma inglés A diferencia de otras lenguas que se desarrollaron dentro de las...
Técnicas de traducción
Si bien es cierto que mucha gente cree que traducir significa simplemente tomar las palabras de un idioma y expresarlas en otro diferente, el proceso de traducción implica mucho más que eso. Una buena traducción debe tener en cuenta el contexto, las diferencias...
Origen del idioma francés
En la actualidad, el francés es el idioma oficial de 29 países y lo hablan unos 300 millones de personas si englobamos a todos los que lo utilizan como primera o segunda lengua. Es, además, uno de los idiomas más estudiados en todo el mundo, solo superado por el...
La traducción de guiones cinematográficos
Seguro que alguna vez te has preguntado en qué consiste exactamente el trabajo de un traductor de guiones cinematográficos; si ve antes la película, si trabaja solo o en equipo, de cuánto tiempo dispone para completar la traducción… En este artículo vamos a...
¿Qué es la piedra de Rosetta?
La piedra de Rosetta es un fragmento de piedra de color gris y rosa que data del año 196 a. C. en la que está grabado un decreto en nombre del faraón Ptolomeo V. El texto aparece en tres sistemas de escritura distintos: jeroglíficos egipcios en la parte superior, en...
El idioma portugués
El portugués es la sexta lengua más hablada en el mundo con unos 200 millones de hablantes repartidos en cuatro continentes. ¿Cuáles son sus características? ¿Qué diferencia hay entre el portugués que se habla en Portugal y el que se habla en Brasil? ¿En...
What Language is Spoken in Finland?
Finland is known for the Northern Lights, the midnight sun and for being the home of Father Christmas. But do you know what language is spoken in Finland and what are the main features that differentiate it from other languages?
What Languages are Spoken in Africa?
Africa is the second largest continent in the world, not only in terms of geography, given that its population goes up to over 1.5 billion of inhabitants. It is one of the most diverse continents globally, largely due to this population density. No wonder that linguists estimate that around 2,000 native languages are spoken in Africa.
¿Qué es una memoria de traducción?
Una memoria de traducción es una base de datos de traducciones anteriores que facilita el proceso de traducción y reduce los costes tanto económicos como de tiempo para clientes, traductores y agencias de traducción. Según la Wikipedia: «Las memorias de...
Where Does The German Language Come From?
The origin of German dates back to the 2nd and 3rd centuries when it differentiated itself from the other Germanic languages through a consonant shift that was completed in the 9th century.
The Origin of the Japanese Language
Japanese is spoken by more than 130 million people and is considered one of the most difficult languages in the world, but what do we know about its origins? The origin of the Japanese language is not entirely clear and there are various theories about where it comes...
What is the Difference Between a Language and a Dialect?
When explaining the differences between a language and a dialect, many doubts and differing opinions arise. This range of opinions stems mainly from historical and political aspects, and not so much from the linguistic aspect, which is what we shall focus on in this...
Arabic Language: Characteristics and Origin
The Arabic language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It has its origins in the Arabian Peninsula and is currently the official language in over 20 countries.
Idioma ruso: sus características y curiosidades
Además de ser el idioma de los zares y de artistas famosos como Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Pasternak y Prokofiev, el idioma ruso es la lengua nativa de los habitantes de la República Federal Rusa y de las seis lenguas oficiales de la ONU junto con el árabe, el chino, el...
What Language is Spoken in Switzerland?
In Switzerland, a small mountainous country in Central Europe known for its ski stations, banks, watches and chocolate, there are four official languages: German, French, Italian and Romansh.
Languages Spoken in Spain
With a population of 48.79 million inhabitants, different languages are spoken in Spain, both official and dialectal languages, and foreign languages (the latter predominantly among the immigrant population).
Diferencias entre el chino simplificado y el chino tradicional
El chino es el idioma más hablado del mundo con unos 1300 millones de hablantes nativos. ¿Sabías que una cuarta parte de toda la población mundial habla chino? De ahí la importancia de este idioma para cualquier empresa que busque tener una presencia internacional. El...
What Languages are Spoken in Europe?
Most languages spoken in Europe belong to the family of Indo-European languages and within this family, 94% of speakers belong to the Romance, Germanic and Slavic branches.
Explanation of Polysemous Words
Have you ever come across a word whose meaning you thought you knew for sure only to realize that it meant something completely different in that context? You might not be wrong — you encountered a polysemous word; one word that has more than one meaning. Our language...
Los 7 idiomas más fáciles de aprender
Que un idioma sea más o menos difícil de aprender depende de muchísimos factores; empezando por el idioma materno de cada persona. No tendrá la misma dificultad para aprender francés alguien que tenga como lengua materna el castellano, por ejemplo, que alguien que sea...
La importancia del catalán
En la actualidad, hay unos 10 millones de personas en el mundo que hablan catalán y que lo utilizan en su día a día. Tanto es así, que es la octava lengua más activa en Internet y ya son más de dos millones de internautas los que navegan en catalán. La importancia del...
El coste de los errores ortográficos y de traducción
En Internet y las redes sociales son cada vez más los ejemplos de errores ortográficos y de traducción convertidos en "memes" que acumulan cientos (o incluso) miles de comentarios. Los profesionales de la traducción y la corrección generan muchísimo contenido sobre...